Download Betterlight Driver
Download Better Light Drivers Ed
DUE TO VERY HIGH DEMAND PLEASE EXPECT UNUSUALLY LONG PROCESSING TIMES (7-14 days). ORDERS WILL BE PROCESSED IN THE ORDER THEY WERE RECEIVED. So you want to aim like a god? Do you want to see infinite dimensions? Take a deep breath. Free your thoughts. Here we go: ULTRALIGHT 2 - CAPE TOWN - WITH INFINITYSKIN A smaller raw composite base, an entirely new construction designed to. 70-250MHz: 4CH: 1GSa/s: Waveform capture rate is 400,000FPS 500uV-10V/DIV input sensitivity 128Mpts memory depth 80,000 section fragmentation.
High efficacy LEDs for better light output?Electronic driver pre-wired upto the terminal block?Designed and manufactured to comply with IS 10322 part 5/Sec 1 19877 Luminaire blends unobtrusively with the ceiling and seamless profile gives a neat, clean and clutter free look to the ceiling enhancing the overall appearance of the space. Download Mosaic Photo Creator for Windows 10 for Windows to professionally design your mosaic patterns images and make them a great piece of art to create a remembrance for lifetime. Bike Turn Signal & Brake Light Handlebars: This project was inspired by a very cool kickstarter called Helios Bars. Essentially what this project does, is put an arduino, LEDs, and buttons into your bike handlebars. The LEDs can be used as turn signals, brake lights, or display ambient color.

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PFG, Picture Framing God
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Download Better Light Drivers
Betterlight 8000K-HS USB-2 back model #8150 Serial# 1737
2 Northlights 900watts each with polarizer filters & diffusers
2 stands - Lowboy with right angle bracket
Cambo Ultima 4x5 camera
with lenses on lens boards and shutters
except for the 360 which is a custom made lens board without a shutter as shutters aren’t used for this system of shooting:
90mm Schneider Kreuznach Super Angulon
150mm Rodenstock Sironar - N
210mm Schneider Symman - S
240mm Rodenstock APO - Ronar
360mm Rodentsock APO - Ronar - CL
with all lensboards to fit camera
6” Pano adapter with stand for shooting 360º or less of a 3D object.
Zig Align ZP4
smaller fluorescent studio lights - 2 @ 200w and 2@400w
Moving wall for art with vacuum system built in.
Magnetic white board for when vacuum might damage paper
Cambo 7’ and 9’ mono stands for camera with adjustable camera attachment. Stand with camera sits on a movable platform that allows you to move camera in and out from the wall without having to readjust everything each time.
The wall and the camera setup is designed to allow multiple scans of the same large piece of work without having to constantly readjust either one (or the lights) back into alignment as they are both on rollers moving along PVC pipes. Once a large piece of art is attached to the wall and the lights are setup and the camera is focused, then each scan after that is still in focus and properly lighted as the last scan was.
The wall moves left and right to the camera and the camera moves in and out to the wall… always perpendicular to each other.
This is especially good when a large piece requires multiples scans to capture the whole piece. The scans are then merged in Photoshop and work can proceed on the final file as required.
Computer and monitor is available for another $1,000. Don’t remember off the top of my head which Mac it is. The monitor is not a mac.
The software to run the Betterlight is available as a download from their site. If you buy the computer as well, it is on there as well as a couple of other pieces of software that can help.
Asking $25,000 for the whole thing. Drive a truck up here and load it all in and then we can go out for a nice Lobster dinner!!!
I REALLY don't want to piece it out.