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- .Please be noted: For CMI873x or CMI876x series, C-Media no longer support Win10 driver. For CMI878x, CM88xx, or USB Audio series, please contact your product vendor to get customized Win10 driver. However, if your product didn't apply customized driver when you purchased, you can then just use Win10 in box standard driver.
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How do I get your Greeting Cards? Use our handy category system to choose the occasion & type of card you want. For instance, we have so many Birthday Cards that we've divided them up into sections like 'Classic' 'Humour' or 'At the Office,' and others.) Then, make sure it's the card you want, 'try before you buy' just by DOWN LOADING a FREE DEMO version of the card to your computer's hard drive. Found one you like? Great! As you surf around the rest of the site just add them to your Shopping Cart, when your finished proceed to the Checkout Area, where you can purchase your card instantly, using your credit card. After you download the card to your hard drive, add your own personalised message, and send it to a friend - customer, or who ever. Either via e-mail or on a floppy disk. It's that easy! You heard that we give away FREE Greeting Cards. 'Is that true'? That's right! has established a membership program, & network members get $50.00 worth of 'FREE' CARDS. You can find out more about this terrific opportunity in the membership section. What makes your cards different from other electronic cards on the net? Well, I'm glad you asked! 5 Big Reasons WHY our cards blow other Internet electronic greetings away! (1) Once you receive our cards, youownthem - forever. You can play them as many times & as often as you want. Other companies' greetings stay on the Internet, can't be kept, & disappear a few days after you get them. (2) Our cards are fullofanimation & music, yet the files are tiny & quick to download. Many greetings on the Internet are more like postcards, with simple messages & no FUN - interactive features. Other cards may contain animation & music, but their file sizes are so huge that they have to be left on the net because they would never fit in an e-mail box. We always have our customers' needs in mind, so getting a greeting from us is a pleasure, not a hassle. (3) When our card arrives in your e-mail box, you can downloaditright away, while other electronic greetings can't be delivered via e-mail at all. The company just sends a notification telling you where to look on line for your greeting. (4)Youdon'tneedtobeonline to view your greeting card! Once you've received it as e-mail, it stays on your computer, play it anytime. I find myself replaying my favourites (cards) all the time. (5) Other electronic greetings may require you to use a certain browser, plus you may need additional software. YOU don'tneedanythingextra to play our cards, just double click to get them started. Like most people, on my birthday & several other times a year, I'll get an e-mail message that says, 'So & so has sent you an electronic greeting card, pick it up at such & such .. Web address.' Then, when I get to the site, where my card is waiting - that's where it stays.
Why should I buy an electronic card instead of a paper one? Good question, a very good question, you see over time, paper cards can rip, stain, discolour, wrinkle, fade, and then finally crumbles. Eventually, you’re left with nothing but a memory. But on the other hand, our cards don’t fade or spindle, they can’t be damaged by spills or those naughty little pests, and you can save them on your hard drive forever. Our cards are also a terrific way for you to save money! If you've got friends or relatives living far away, you must know that long-distance phone calls are still quite expensive and the cost of cards & postage can really add up. Well, with your (Network members) 'FREE CARDS' from Greeting-cards.comyou can stay in touch with your loved ones at no cost! Our Animated Musical Greeting Cards are an economical way to make someone smile and feel happy. What are the system requirements to play your card? You don't need any special software to play a card. All you need to do is double click on the file, have Windows running on your computer (Windows 3.x, 95, 98, or even Windows NT), any of those version's is fine. Your computer also needs to have sound in order for you to hear the music that plays along with the card. But don't worry if you don't have sound. As long as your card's recipient has a computer with sound, they'll be able to hear the music. And even if they don't, which that's very unlikely (I know several people without sound cards), our cards are still gorgeous to behold & fun to play. I don't have Windows, can I still send & receive cards? If you own a PowerPC or a UNIX-based computer, you can still play our cards using Windows-emulating software like SoftWindows, Virtual PC or some other software package. Please browse: send someone a card, NO more questions, then it's time to Try or Buy
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